Brain Training Science  

Brain training science to improve IQ levels has come out of research at universities and by psychologists. One of the more interesting online brain training courses is from RaiseYourIQ which they brand as SMART.
Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training

SMART is a revolutionary Behavioural Teaching Tool for brain training developed by scientific researchers and is based on research into Relational Frame Theory conducted by Dr. Bryan Roche and Dr.Sarah Cassidy and in several Universities in Europe and the USA.

SMART brain training helps children and adults to become expert in some critical cognitive skills, called Relational Skills. These skills underlie just about everything we do in school, at work and in normal day-to-day decision making and problem-solving. Relational skills are the skills that help us to understand the relationships that can exist between any two things. For example, they can be the same as each other, or opposite, one may be more than the other, or less, and so on.

SMART teaches these basic relational skills to a very high level, so that mathematical concepts make more sense. SMART establishes the basic skills needed to remember word associations, spellings and word meaning.SMART teaches people of all ages how to learn.

SMART Brain Training does not teach Math, Reading, or Logical Thinking, it teaches the underlying skills so that Math, Reading and Logical Thinking come much easier. With just 30 minutes of effort a few times per week, we can improve a range of basic intellectual skills that underlie just about everything we do in work, school and in everyday life.

SMART Brain Training Science

RaiseYourIQ have been involved as scientists in the development of the SMART educational method within the behavioral research community in which the idea of “relational skills” first evolved. Our approach is based on Relational Frame Theory – a modern theory of cognition, that our team has helped to develop over the past two decades.

RaiseYourIQ is the only online brain training course offering relational skills training based on the tried and tested methods of applied behavior analysis (ABA). These technologies have developed over decades in a research tradition started by the now legendary psychologist B.F Skinner. Skinner was not a brain scientist. He was an expert in the science of learning and teaching. Skinner’s ideas eventually led to the development of supremely successful treatments for a whole range of educational and intellectual deficits including autism spectrum disorders, and his approach taught us how to help individuals reach and surpass their intellectual potential.

So successful is the applied behavior analysis approach that it is widely considered to be the most effective treatment for autism known to science and it is used by leading scientists and therapists all over the world, in private clinics and in the mainstream school system to help children at every level of academic ability. SMART brain training has emerged from this applied behavior analysis tradition, and provides a training system that teaches the fundamental concepts required for intellectual development for all age groups.


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Cognitive Brain training

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