Brain Training Game News  

Cognitive Brain Training Games

Cognitive brain training games will give the brain a workout much like what a gym does for the body. Cognitive brain training games and exercises involve a a series of intellectual tasks that the player plays to improve cognitive functions, such as memory, brains processing speed and focus.

SMART Brain Training to exercise the mind

The internet has allowed cognitive training to move out of the psychologist’s office and online where game based learning methods are deployed to improve a person’s cognitive abilities. We all should strive to keep our brain active and healthy throughout life, from childhood to adulthood. For cognitive brain training games to be meaningful, they should train our fluid intelligence,working memory and other cognitive abilities such as verbal comprehension. Also cognitive training games should be able to deliver enjoyable,engaging brain training over time that constantly stretches the brain to work harder and improve cognitive functioning

Some cognitive training focuses on what psychologists call “hot cognition”, which is a term psychologists use to describe high speed decision making under pressure, this is the decision making we do in the face of risks when our emotional state can play a big role. Another area of cognitive training is referred to as “cold cognition,” this decision making is all about being pragmatic, logical, and less emotional as in answering educational tests or aptitude tests.

Hot cognition brain training games is great for people who need to make hot decisions like businesspeople, CEO’s, managers who need to be able to comprehend lots of data quickly and decide in a short time frame while cold cognition training is great for students, lawyers, advisors or teachers. Regardless of a person’s (adult or kid) motivation to undertake cognitive training, “hot cognition” for rapid decision making using data or “cold cognition” for tests, exams using memory recall, the only way to achieve results is deliberate practice.

Ready to start some cognitive brain training games?. Well, why not start with some N-Back games or some brain training for free. In a university study, people playing N-Back games (which are stocked with hot decision choices) learn how to make decisions better. Then, try some brain training exercises as a way to improve the brains perceptual reasoning and fluid intelligence along with improving multitasking skills (brain training has also been found to reduce cognitive decline in older people). Scientists have discovered that people who engage with varied brain training tasks, such as attention priority, had increased levels of awareness in the right superior and middle frontal gyrus of the brain, an area involved in multitasking.

Cognitive brain training games can also undertaken with people who have special education needs or learning disabilities (ADHD and dyslexia). Psychologists and neuroscientists now know that brain training games are the best form of cognitive training in helping to strengthen memory, improve attention, raise IQ levels, help with ADD and ADHD and even delay dementia or other neurological disorders. Cognitive brain training games do more than just help people to with learning difficulties but they can help any child or adult to acquire new skills, improve intelligence, make learning easier and increase brain fitness.

Posted in Brain Health, Brain Training, Brain Training For Kids, Brain Training Free, Improve IQ

Brain Teasers

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Can you answer these brain teasers. These are fun brain teasers and puzzles to help with brain health. Brain teasers are also great to improve memory and cogtive skills. All the answers can be found by taking the free IQ test on RaiseYourIQ. Good luck.
Free brain teaser from RaiseYourIQ

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How many of these brain teasers have you got right?. While brain teasers are fun, they are also the building blocks to help raise IQ. For more information into brain training science, visit us at RaiseYourIQ.

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Brain Games

Brain games fits nicely into the area of neuroscience and education. As game-based-learning grows in popularity not just in education but in health and business brain games can play there part in improving intelligence. Psychologists and educationalists now understand more about learning games in brain cognition and neuroscience to enhance child and adult learning.

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The meaning of “learning” or “knowing” is shifting away from being able to recall and repeat information to being able to find it, evaluate it and use it compellingly at the right time and in the right context. Education and schooling still tends to focus on the acquisition of basic skills and content knowledge, like reading, writing, calculation, history or science. Many experts believe that career and life success today and into the future will depend on education or learning that treats higher order intellectual skills, like the ability to think, solve complex problems or interact deeper through language and media.

Brain Games and brain training games fit naturally in supporting this form of education and life skills. Learning games for the brain are designed to create a compelling platform that challenges the brain , where users come to learn and understand through self-directed exploration. They are constructed to deliver personalized learning and to use data to help players understand how they are doing, what they need to work on and where to go next. Learning games create a compelling need to know, a need to ask, examine, assimilate and master certain skills and content areas. Psychologists and education experts argue that brain games are, first and foremost, learning systems with real world benefits and that this accounts for the sense of engagement and entertainment players experience.

Brain games have also other attributes that facilitate learning. One of these is the state of being known as play. Much of the activity of play consists in failing to reach the goal established by a game’s rules. And yet players rarely experience this failure as an obstacle to trying again and again, as they work harder towards mastery and in so making the brain fitter. There is something in playing brain games that activates the tenacity and persistence required for effective learning.

Learning games to improve brain power has three key moments with important implications for learning whether at home or in the classroom. The first is when a would-be player approaches a game and expresses a wish to participate: “Can I give it a try? Or Can I join in?” The second moment comes when a player asks, “Can I save it?” In other words, “I am going to engage or invest time in this experience, which has personal value and meaning, and I’d like to pick up where I left off.” The third moment comes when a player attains a level of mastery in the game where a test or report can be shown the achievement.

Science and academic research is reporting that brain based game learning could be the Holy Grail in the quest to keep kids in school and on track to reach their true intellectual ability. Brain games are already widely used by teachers, parents, schools, business and other institutions with an interest in learning. Brain training games can function as doorways into content areas, introductions into specific skill sets and/or nodes in larger knowledge networks. But there is nothing new here; games and learning have enjoyed an association long before the dawn of the digital age. Brain games for the brain represents an exciting and limitless activity within the larger, highly engaging learning system that surrounds us all.


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