Brain Training

online brain training

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Every Child Needs Good Brain Training

As a psychologist,educator and researcher into the area of intellectual learning, I believe every child needs brain training as part of their education in schools. Why?. In my experience schools are not equipped to help children reach their intellectual potential. As much as we may like to believe it, schools are not perfect places in which to educate a child. While they may do their utmost within budgetary constraints to impart the knowledge and skills a child needs to function in the world as an adult, they simply cannot provide the one-to-one attention that a child needs to reach their full intellectual potential. Even if a parent is fortunate enough to afford private schooling of the highest standard, or private tutoring from leading scholars, this still cannot maximize intellectual development for a surprisingly simple reason: those experts don’t know what to teach to make that...

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Brain training games don’t work

Brain training games don’t work, they might be fun but the paying customer wants more than fun, they want to raise intelligence levels (IQ) to help them in their education,work and life. All those brain training gaming products mentioning the word “brain” and featuring Professors in the logo could not possibly make you Smarter.

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Your intelligence is built on a very broad skill set involving more than stimulating your brain with a few fun games. Becoming more intelligent is not that easy! The clue is in the fact that none of the big game developers or online training companies claim to make their users more intelligent. It’s a convenient misunderstanding produced by clever advertising. It also plays on people’s inherent desire for easy solutions to difficult problems, such as how to do better in school or business.

A recent review paper in The Psychologist shows that no study has ever...

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Do Brain Training Games Work?

Brain training games don’t work but training your train does!!, brain training games might be fun but the paying customer wants more than fun, they want to raise intelligence levels (IQ) to help them in their education,work and life. All those brain training gaming products mentioning the word “brain” and featuring Professors in the logo could not possibly make you Smarter. Your intelligence is built on a very broad skill set involving more than stimulating your brain with a few fun games. Becoming more intelligent is not that easy! The clue is in the fact that none of the big game developers or online training companies claim to make their users more intelligent. It’s a convenient misunderstanding produced by clever advertising. It also plays on people’s inherent desire for easy solutions to difficult problems, such as how to do better in school or business.

A recent review paper in...

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Brain Training

If you are considering brain training either as a game or serious intellectual skills course to help your IQ test scores and brain fitness then this article may provide you with information of what exactly brain training is.

RaiseYourIQ is the only scientifically proven brain training course to improve mental performance and raise your IQ by 20 to 30 points. RaiseYourIQ is a research based, scientifically proven brain training solution with published clinical data providing brain fitness and intellectual skills development courses that have real world health and education benefits beyond games.
RaiseYourIQ is at the forefront in research into IQ development, behavioural psychology and the delivery of intellectual skills training, as well as in techniques for maximizing brain fitness in any individual. Our specific scientific field (Applied Behaviour Analysis; ABA) upon which the...

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Educational Interventions can Raise Your IQ

Many psychologists once believe that IQ is fixed at birth, but that is an outdated position based on ideology as much as on bad science. Mounting evidence has been coming in over the past two decades that your IQ in both kids and adults can rise as a result of increased educational exposure and if people engage in brain training exercises.

The view that IQ is fixed for life and cannot be improved has been discredited thanks to several recent studies. One such study which was recently published by Norwegian scientists Christian N. Brinch and Taryn Ann Galloway. They got around the problem of trying to separate the effect of education on IQ from the possibility that more intelligent people simply choose to have more education. Their study involved examining the effects of an increase in the duration of compulsory schooling in Norway in the 1960s. This change extended the minimum time in...

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Brain Training : What Is A Relational Skill?

When psychologists talk about brain training, there are talking about improving the relational skills in the brain. A relational skill is a skill involved in understanding the relationship between things in the world. Understanding the relationships between a set of cousins, or understanding that a particular group of plants are all of the same kind (e.g., flowers), or understanding that a Poodle is a type of dog but a dog is not a type of poodle, are all examples of basic relational skills. But of course, they get more complicated than this.

The relational skills you need to understand high level mathematics or to read and speak well, are more advanced skills. SMART Brain Training teaches a range of basic but crucial relational skills and brings your relational skills to expert levels, so that all intellectual tasks come easier. SMART brain training makes you a faster and better...

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Brain Training Free

Brain training free lessons and exercises that can help improve IQ. At we are passionate about improving the intelligence levels of all people so these free brain training teasers are a great introduction for kids or adults to challenging your brain to be smarter and fitter. Download the brain training lesson below, it is completely free, no email or sign up required and we hope these lessons will be useful to teachers, parents, kids, adults, in fact anyone who cares to reach their reaching their intellectual potential.
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The brain training free lessons is a .pdf file containing a series of brain exercises that you can do at home, while relaxing, in a classroom or maybe even as a team building exercise!
To get started to improving your brain health, simply download the lessons and print it off or view it on your mobile device. The lesson consists of a series of...

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Brain Training skills

This article argues that brain training is a skill but can be fun as it uses game based learning to help the user. With the increase awareness of our mental health there is allot of discussion on the web about brain training, brain health and how to improve one’s IQ.
The psychologists with support from clinical trials and data (experts in the field of relational frame training) at RaiseYourIQ have pinpointed that the only real meaningful brain training solutions are the ones focused on improving a person’s relational skill and not just memory re-call which games focus on. So how do relational skills affect our brain fitness or health?. The psychology community agree a relational skill is a skill involved in the brain understanding the relationship between things in the world. Understanding the relationships between an aunty and an uncle, or understanding that a particular group of...

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Brain Training Science

Brain training science to improve IQ levels has come out of research at universities and by psychologists. One of the more interesting online brain training courses is from RaiseYourIQ which they brand as SMART.
Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training

SMART is a revolutionary Behavioural Teaching Tool for brain training developed by scientific researchers and is based on research into Relational Frame Theory conducted by Dr. Bryan Roche and Dr.Sarah Cassidy and in several Universities in Europe and the USA.

SMART brain training helps children and adults to become expert in some critical cognitive skills, called Relational Skills. These skills underlie just about everything we do in school, at work and in normal day-to-day decision making and problem-solving. Relational skills are the skills that help us to understand the relationships that can exist...

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