Dual n-bACK  

N-back or dual n-back brain training is a game targeted at improving working memory and fluid intelligence. This brain game focuses concentration by typically displaying a figure on a board, the figure then appears in different positions and the player has to remember the position of the figure one turn or two turns back. Hence the name N-back training.

When we say, fluid intelligence, we are referring to the ability of a person (adult or child) to reason and to solve new problems independently of previously acquired knowledge. Fluid intelligence is critical for a wide variety of cognitive tasks, and it is considered one of the most important factors in learning. Also, fluid intelligence is related to professional and educational success, especially in complex and demanding environments.

Working memory is also important in the learning process and for general intelligence. Working memory can be described as ‘how much information or data a person can think about at the same time’. N-back training is now widely used in psychological, educational, clinical, and medical settings. RaiseYourIQ has developed its own version of n-back training which is played in conjunction with SMART brain training to improve the overall intelligence as measured by IQ of our users. Psychologists also utilize SMART Brain Training with RaiseYourIQ dual n-back to improve the focus of people with ADHD.

At RaiseYourIQ, our brain training is scientifically proven to improve IQ and general intelligence and we include dual n back training for free.

Psychologists split intelligence into two types: the first being “crystallized intelligence” which is all about how to knowledge (put to use when you type); and the second being “fluid intelligence” which is about problem solving and reasoning.

N - Back training targets the most elemental of cognitive skills: “working memory”. While long-term memory benefits crystallized intelligence, working memory benefits fluid intelligence. Working memory is more than just the ability to remember a phone number long enough to dial it; it is the brains capacity to manipulate the information in the head — to add or subtract numbers, place them in reverse order or sort them from high to low. Understanding a metaphor or an analogy is equally dependent on working memory; you can’t follow even a simple statement like “See Brad dance” if you can’t put together how “see” and “Brad” connect with “dance.” Without it, you can’t make sense of anything.

Finding a way to increase cognitive abilities has appeal not just in education but in business and clinical settings. Today, professional people have begun training their working memory in hopes of boosting their fluid intelligence and with it, their job performance. Fluid intelligence was not just another life or learning skill; it is the cognitive ability underlying all mental skills. So n-back training is more than just tapping randomly at figures on a computer screen, it is the opportunity to increase intelligence and improve working memory. For a free trial and to access over 4 free brain games, why not sign up to RaiseYourIQ today.


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