Brain Training Exercises Online  

Brain training online is probably the best way to challenge the brain to work harder while improving memory and IQ. In the digital age, information overload and longer life expectancy can expose the brain to more demands than even before. Also in education, little time is spent on teaching students how to learn and acquire knowledge easier.

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Brain Training online as a weekly routine will improve memory retention, increase IQ, and help the brain focus better, develop speaking skills and improve the brains processing speed. This is the real benefits experienced by tens of thousands of people who are serious about improving their intellectual ability.

Smart Brain Training from RaiseYourIQ is the scientifically proven way to raise IQ by 20-30 points while also helping people to think faster, focus better, and remember more with as little as two 20 minutes sessions per week. Smart brain training with over 70 brain exercises in 3 modules has been developed by psychologists and is a clinically proven brain training course that improves the brains cognitive ability. It is easy for anyone, child or adult to challenge the brain a few times week with a series of brain games and exercises designed by neuroscientists to exercise memory, attention and cognitive functions.

RaiseYourIQ have the best free online brain training exercises plus FREE bonus brain training games included with every account. First is our “N-back Brain Training” this brain game is great for improving fluid intelligence. Next a user can play our “Brain Speed” game which is ideal for thinking on your feet. Also free is “Brain agility” which has been designed to improve multi-tasking. The fourth free brain training game is “Brain Memory” which is perfect for memory enhancement.

Science and educational psychologists now promote online brain training for the real-life benefits clinical studies have shown that brain training improves IQ and general intelligence. Brain training online does take work and discipline to have a sharper, smarter and fitter brain, for example at RaiseYourIQ we see most IQ and intellectual gains from users doing two sessions of forty minutes duration twice a week. This can be scheduled into any person’s routine and within three short months, most people see IQ gains of between 20-30 points with others seeing as much as a 50 point IQ gain.

So brain training online will not just help a brain to become fitter, it also raises IQ and fluid intelligence where the benefits can be seen in school, tests, business and fact based memory recall.


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Dual n-bACK

N-back or dual n-back brain training is a game targeted at improving working memory and fluid intelligence. This brain game focuses concentration by typically displaying a figure on a board, the figure then appears in different positions... Continue →